Arts Incubation
We believe in you

What is arts incubation?
Since 2016, our mission has been to incubate unique, inclusive performing arts opportunities that create joy and community for a variety of experience levels.
Our goal at Empire Arts Collective is not only to offer fun, unique arts programming to the Sacramento region, but to act as a resource for others who are looking to do the same thing.
Through our incubation arm, we’ve been able to nurture developing artists and provide one-of-a-kind arts programming to the Sacramento region.
Success Stories
"Once More, with Feeling"
One of our community members came to us with a novel idea. What if we produced a live version of “Once More, with Feeling,” the cult favorite musical episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer?
Well, not only did everyone involved have a blast, but it turned out to be a great success. In fact, it became so beloved that we continued to produce this show annually from 2017 to 2021.
This production enabled us to work with many new actors and designers just starting their careers and to mentor aspiring directors.